Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics(CoE)

Job Swap Wizard


"; } // echo "post = ".$_POST['swap']; // $showall=mysql_query("select * from tesla where jobstatus != 'Completed' and jobstatus !='Failed' and device = '$_POST[swap]' order by id "); $sql1=mysqli_query($con,"select * from tesla where jobstatus = 'Ready To Start' and device = '$_POST[swap]' order by id "); $rows = mysqli_num_rows($sql1); if($rows != 0) { echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; $sql2=mysqli_query($con,"select * from tesla where jobstatus = 'In Queue' and device = '$_POST[swap]' order by id "); $rows = mysqli_num_rows($sql2); if($rows != 0){ echo ""; echo ""; echo "
No Jobs In Queue";} echo "
"; } else { echo "
No Job is Ready To Start.....
"; } echo "
"; } else{ ?>
Job Device: